Tuesday, June 14, 2011

For What It's Worth

A writer writes. Period.

It's not that I haven't been writing, I have -- primarily I've been working on my weekely Bible studies for White Tail Chapel. But....

I really have not been writing as much as I should, nor as regularly. So, I am going to attempt to begin anew by trying to put some pearls (hopefully more of wisdom than nonsense) here on a daily basis.

I don't know how many of the few followers that I had who are still looking at this blog, buy hopefully a couple are, and if they find anything of spiritual, social, or personal use, then perhaps they will spread the word that this work is active. (I can't really say again active because that would imply that it ever was active.)

If nothing else, I will derive a word of the day from somewhere (hopefully a standard English dictionary so that we can all benefit with a vocabulary lesson that may prove useful in the English speaking world).

I would also encourage any comments, or questions. I like technology, but I do not like technology that tends to takeover one's life. That's why I don't use any of the social networking sites. I don't see the sense in letting the world know that "I am now sitting at my computer spouting patent nonsense," just so I have something to tweet. It is also why I don't regularly look at my email, or for that matter, this blog.

That's it for now. I may come back later it my muse hits me hard enough.


1 comment:

  1. We are watching and reading. I feel your frustration and wanting to write, I feel I am going no where. I did just put a new article on the christian nudist blog page called "The Day I Walked On Water" at http://christiannaturism.blogspot.com/2011/10/day-i-walked-on-water.html

    But I do want to be able to write wisdom every day, but maybe the reason I don't write is because I haven't opened myself up for it.

    But then again, I also need to be listening and reading to wisdom from other places, like here.

